The cost of a bathroom sink, from materials to hardware to labor

bathroom sink cost

In This Article

    You’re probably thinking about replacing the entire bathroom, but right now you’re just focused on the sink. You know the old one has to go, and you know it’s an important element of your remodel, but you don’t know where to start when it comes to figuring out how much it should cost you to make the change.

    How much will it cost to get this old one out of here, and a new one in its place? Will the cost of a high-end bathroom sink weight your budget down and sink your entire renovation project? It doesn’t have to.

    Let’s take a look at what you will need to do.

    How Much Will My New Sink Cost?

    Like anything you put in your home, there is a broad range of prices.

    The average for a new sink (installed) is $503 in NY, according to HomeAdvisor. Again the price pendulum can swing widely in both directions. You can get a low-end budget sink for around $150, or go high-end and spend 10 times that in the $1,500 range.

    How Much Should I Spend?

    You certainly don’t have to spend that much to get a quality sink that you love, or one that will last you for years. However, this is one area you don’t want to “cheap out” in.

    A higher-end sink will certainly have more expensive decorative touches, and it likely will also use high-quality parts to ensure it last for years. The same can’t be said for a bargain brand sink. The parts may rust or break, leaving you without a sink for a week or more as you get someone to fix it, or replace it with the sink you should have bought the first time.

    How Do I Get Rid of the Old Sink?

    When it comes time to remove and dispose of your old sink, you can either do it yourself, or have an installer do it for you.

    If you’re letting a professional do it, the steps are as follows:

    1. Call the installer
    2. Have a glass of wine to toast your good decision

    Of course, there are DIYers out there who like to keep the costs low by taking care of the labor themselves. We respect that too.

    Removing an old sink is certainly reasonable to do yourself. Just be prepared to do more than expected. You may find yourself having to replace old pipes or pieces of drywall/ backsplash.

    Broadly speaking, here are the steps to follow:

    1. Turn off the water: Shut off the water supply lines (flexible tubes) with an adjustable wrench.
    2. Remove the P-trap: Remove the U-shaped part of the drainpipe by loosening the nuts with pliers. Be sure to put a bucket under the area because you might see some water leakage.
    3. Remove the clips: Next, remove the clips fastening the sink to a countertop. Don’t try to yank them. Loosen them carefully so you don’t damage the countertop.
    4. Remove the sealant: Use a utility knife/putty knife to loosen the sealant around the area where the sink was. This should come off fairly easily. Again, be careful not to damage the countertop.